How to use 72 Hour Lookback
Watch select shows that aired in the last 72 hours on DIRECTV STREAM.
Find recent content that aired within the last 72 hours!
- Pick a channel from the Guide or Network list.
- Use the drop-down arrow to select a previous day.
- Choose a selectable program to enjoy 72 Hour Lookback.
Note: Networks and programmers offer 72 hour lookback content, which may vary seasonally and depend on availability.
Enjoy recent content that aired within the last 72 Hour on DIRECTV STREAM, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV & Roku
- Launch DIRECTV STREAM on your remote and go to the Guide.
- Press OK to highlight the name of the channel you want to watch.
- Press OK to view channel programming.
- Use the up arrow on the remote to scroll through the program list.
- Press OK to choose a program.
Examples of networks that provide a 72 Hour Lookback feature for some of their programs:
- Cartoon Network East, CMT, CNN, Comedy Central, Cooking Channel
- Food Network, FS1, FS2, FX, FXX, FYI
- GalaVision
- Hallmark+, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries, HGTV, History, HLN (Headline News)
- Lifetime
- National Geographic, Nat Geo Wild, Nickelodeon East
- Paramount
- TBS, TCM, TNT, Travel Channel, truTV, TV Land
- UniMas, Univision East
- Vice, VH1
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