Find on-demand titles to watch with DIRECTV STREAM
Search for a movie, show, or network to watch on demand.
Search on demand titles
It’s a snap to search our growing on-demand library. You can watch many new shows that are available soon after airing. Plus, you can use the Autoplay feature to binge-watch your favorite series.
Browse shows
- From the home screen, select the On Demand tab.
- Scroll down or use the arrows to explore available programs.
- Select a show to see its description, duration, episodes, and other details.
- Select Play to watch now. Not ready to watch yet? Add the selection to your Bookmarks list to watch later.
Search content
- Use the search bar to look for any show, movie, or network.
- On your DIRECTV remote, use the voice option. Press the voice button to ask Google Assistant.
- On your Apple TV® remote, press the Siri button to speak your search.
- Select the TV Shows, Movies, or Kids tab to filter the results.
Heads up: Not all On Demand content can be played immediately. It’s subject to network availability.
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