Move your DIRECTV service to a new address

Find out how to move your DIRECTV service to a new address. For your protection, only the account owner can move service.

Choose the service you have at your home:
Satellite Dish
Move your DIRECTV service to a new address
Find out how to move your DIRECTV service to a new address. For your protection, only the account owner can move service.
Not your service?

Find out how to relocate your DIRECTV service.

Moving your DIRECTV service means that your DVR recordings and settings will make the move with you, and there’s no need to learn a new guide or new equipment!

  1. To move your service, call 888-388-6683.
  2. Pack your equipment (TVs, receivers, remote controls, devices) and take it to your new address.
    You don’t need to take your satellite dish with you. A new one will be installed at your new address.
  3. Start streaming right away with the DIRECTV app.

To learn more about some commonly asked questions visit Move your DIRECTV service FAQ page.

Find more info at Moving with DIRECTV.
Internet connection (No satellite)
Move your DIRECTV service to a new address
Find out how to move your DIRECTV service to a new address. For your protection, only the account owner can move service.
Not your service?

Don’t have a satellite dish? Learn how easy it is to take DIRECTV with you to a new home.

  1. If you already have a DIRECTV device, take it with you when you move.
  2. Set up the internet connection in your new home.
  3. Connect your compatible devices to your new home’s Wi-Fi.
  4. Start streaming right away with the DIRECTV App.

Update your account billing address

Heads up: You must change your address with your credit or debit card company before attempting to change with DIRECTV. Once completed, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Billing & Payments.
  2. Select Change under My payment info.
  3. You may update your billing address under the Update payment method page.
  4. Once done, select save.

If you need further help, call 888-388-6683.

Choose the service you have at your home:

  • Satellite Dish

  • Internet connection (No satellite)

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