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    Error messages 50007, 60001, and 60007 means your DVR had trouble recording or playing back. Learn ways to fix the errors.

Community Forums (4 of 24 results)

  • Noone came to our appt or called.
    My husband and I took a day off from work to be here for an appt when the Direct TV tech was supposed to come out. Instead, an ATT Supervisor came out to look around and told us the DTV tech would be out in 20 minutes. We waited for about 3 hours when we called to find out what was going on. After a lengthy 2 hr phone call with customer service,  she was of no help. She said the 3rd party's dispatch system was down and could not hep us. We wanted to reschedule but she said she couldn't. This was after having almost 3 weeks of NO service. She would not give me her employee number.  It was left with her saying a Supervisor would call back. We waited but this never happened. Then, I called back to speak with someone else, and by this time I was livid as we had to cancel a Dr appt and was charged for it. My husband was also docked for his day off. This gal told me that they could not do anything as their DTV dispatch system was down but she would call me tomorrow- but their were no appts available and she didn't see any for next week either. Meanwhile, we never got a phone call from the ATT person who said Direct TV would be out in 20 minutes. A simple phone call would have helped us out SO much! So the 2nd gal said she would credit us $15 for losing our appt due to what she called "Technician Capacity" which I asked what that was and she said they were overbooked and did not have anyone to service us. Again- a simple phone call or text telling us this would have helped. By now, we were out almost $1,000 dollars between a cancelled Dr appt at the last minute while waiting, and a day off.  I was getting very angry and the Customer service gal was not doing anything to help us other than promise to call back tomorrow (right). I have never had such poor service or distrust. This was another 2 hr phone call that was left at there was nothing they could do to help us. All we wanted was a receiver!!! But they would not let my husband (an Engineer) put it in. This gal did give us her employee number and said she didn't know when the dispatch service would be back on. But she did see that we DID have an appt, but saw no record of any ATT person coming out! Believe me, he did!! When I asked her what we were supposed to do now- she conveniently said she could not hear me and that there was static on the line and hung up. All I would have asked for was a simple phone call so our day could have gone differently. I am a 20 yr with Direct TV Veteran, and this happens every time. I know it will be like starting ALL over again on Monday and I will have to wait another 3 weeks. That would make it 6 weeks without Direct TV. I don't know what to do. Between the 2 long phone calls that I initiated, I was given so many different answers and lies about return calls that never happened. What would YOU do? It took up most of our day and put us in horrible moods. My heart started to race and I had a panic attack. We were treated nicely, but we were also given the "party line" so many times that I was starting to yell to get my questions answered - and I am not like that! It was one mistake made after another on their part. Now we are stuck, once again, waiting, with no TV, and this is so not fair. Help!

    Last reply: 1053 days ago | 1376 views | 31 responses |

    Posted by Saralinda57

  • Change credit card on streaming
    I got a new rewards card, same card number but different expiration date and three number code.  I have been trying to change it in the account management section for well over an hour and got no help on a telephone call.  When I put in the new numbers, the bottom line does not change from cancel to save.  I tried several times and never got it to work.  I also added some contact information that was needed and seemed to be saved, but as soon as I got out of the billing section, it was gone too. Anyone know how to help me?

    Last reply: 1282 days ago | 619 views | 2 responses |

    Posted by brucelud

  • Why are my paranormal shows gone?
    My paranormal shows are gone!  They were on Destination America and then Travel Channel.  When I turned on my TV this morning they were gone.  I want my shows back!  Ghost Adventures, Ghost Nation, Haunted Highways and more.  This is why I chose the channel I did!  Let me know when they will be back! .

    Last reply: 1496 days ago | 84 views | 4 responses |

    Posted by electra50

  • Cancelled service still gone to collection
    Att/direct tv account [EDITED]. Put on vacation hold for indefinite time, feb 2018 and it never got done by direct tv . I moved away and no one was at my house .I returned equipment called and paid 2 more times after closing account just to be able to talk to someone. The last man I talked to said he could  lower my amount owed (for no service or equipment) if I agreed to another 2 year commitment. For service in a vacant house while I am in another state. Now I am in collections for same said service that I do not have.I have spent 11.2 hours trying to clear this up since April 2018 to no avail . Now you are damaging my credit and again today I cannot reach anyone.  My acct number was [EDITED]and Afni collection acct  number is [EDITED]1. Service address was[EDITED] Aguanga Ca 92536i am 71 and in declining health and want this over. Pleas have a SENIOR acct rep that can end this mess you have put upon me while I still can. I want my credit report cleared and a phone call please to [EDITED] ASAP. Thank you for your attention to this overdue matter Kathryn [EDITED] disconnected phone number associated to this acct [EDITED] [EDITED per Community Guidelines - removed personal information]

    Last reply: 1527 days ago | 398 views | 2 responses |

    Posted by Kathrynhoddick

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