Get help with DIRECTV error code 771
If you see error code 771, your dish isn’t communicating with the satellite. Find out how to fix it.
How can I watch DIRECTV when I have bad weather?
- TV: Press List on your remote to access your DVR recordings.
- Tablet or computer: Sign in to
- Phone: Download the DIRECTV App from the Apple App Store® or Google Play®. After you sign in, choose the option for watching on your phone.
- On demand: Go to Ch. 1000 to browse thousands of free titles or Ch. 1100 for the latest movie releases in DIRECTV CINEMA.
Why do I get a DIRECTV error code 771 in bad weather?
Severe weather may interrupt the signal between your dish and the satellite. If you’re currently experiencing heavy rain, hail, or snow, wait for it to pass to see if that fixes the issue. While you wait, you can still enjoy your favorite live or on-demand entertainment on your laptop, tablet, or mobile phone.
What is the SignalSaver option for DIRECTV error code 771?
When you lose your high-definition (HD) signal, select SignalSaver™ to continue watching in HD.
DIRECTV Error Code 771
Test receiver connections
- Check the Satellite-In (or SAT-IN) cable to make sure all connections between your receiver and the wall outlet are secure. If any adaptors are connected to the cable, check them too.
Check satellite dish
- If you can easily see your satellite dish, make sure nothing blocks the line of sight from the dish to the sky. Don't climb on your roof.
Still need help? Contact us via chat or call 800.531.5000. For a quick response, we recommend using the chat option.
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