Record DIRECTV content

Learn how to set your DVR to record any movie, show or game that’s included in your subscription package using your remote, computer, or smartphone.

Schedule recordings for Genie, Genie Mini, or Gemini receivers

You can schedule recordings from the program Guide or by using search. Live broadcasts and sporting events may not end at the scheduled time. You have the option to extend the recording time by up to 3 hours.

To schedule recordings from the program Guide:

  1. Select Guide on your remote.
  2. Find the show, movie, or game you want to record.
  3. Select Record Series. If applicable, you can record a single episode or an entire series. For series recordings, the episodes/games will be recorded on a chosen channel.
  4. To watch your recordings, press List on the remote or go to Menu > My Library to access your DVR playlist.

To schedule recordings via search:

  1. Press the dash (-) button on your remote or go to Menu > Search.
  2. Look for a show, game, team, or sports league.
  3. Select Record Once or Record Series. Series can record all episodes or only new episodes.
  4. To watch your recordings, press List on the remote or go to Menu > My Library to access your DVR playlist.

Heads up: When accessing a Team page from the Team Matchup page, Season Record will record games for the team you selected. 


To record your favorite sport team’s games:

  1. Simply log into your DIRECTV app and at the top search enter your team’s name.
  2. Click on the game.
  3. Click Record Options: “Record This Game”, “Record Team”.
  4. All games for your team will be set to record.

For more information on recording your favorite sport teams, go to DIRECTV sports team recordings and live scores FAQ.


Manage DVR recordings

  1. Press LIST on your remote.
  2. Scroll up to select Recording Manager.
    • Upcoming Recordings manages scheduled recordings.
    • Series Manager prioritizes your recordings to avoid conflicts.
    • Recording History tracks all recordings on the DVR.
    • Purchase History tracks all purchases on the DVR.
    • Manual Recording Setup allows you to schedule a manual recording for a specific date and time.
    • Typical Recording Preferences sets preferences (First Run, Repeats) for one-touch recording.
    • Playlist Share Settings shares or hides recordings from other DVRs in your home.

Schedule recordings at or on the DIRECT App

You can access your DVR Playlist online at and while using the DIRECTV App.  Review compatible devices and download info

To schedule recordings:

  1. Go to or the DIRECTV App and sign in with your DIRECTV user ID and password.
  2. Scroll the program Guide or use Search to find the show or game you want to record.
  3. Select Record.
  4. Go to My Library to access your DVR Playlist.

Important Note: DIRECTV has introduced an extra step to enhance your security when you log into your account. In addition to your username and password, you’ll be asked to enter a one-time code sent to your email or phone number on file. After entering the code, simply follow the on-screen prompts to complete the process and securely access your account.

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