Add or remove premium channels

Explore the premium add-on options available for your DIRECTV service.

Choose the service you have at your home:
Satellite dish
Satellite dish
Explore the premium add-on options available for your DIRECTV service.
Didn't get your service via home satellite dish?
Change your base subscription package

Log into your account to make changes:
  1. Go to Manage my TV package.
  2. Choose from the package options and select Switch.
  3. Follow the prompts to confirm your change.

Add premium options online
  1. From the Manage my TV package page, scroll to Add-ons and offers and select from the following categories: Special Offers, Premium Networks, Sports, More TV, Adult, & International.
  2. Select Add next to the add-on or optional package you want to add.
  3. Select Activate Now. (Or Add to Cart > Review Changes if you don’t see Activate Now.)
  4. Confirm your selection and enjoy.

Remove add-ons or premium channels online
  1. Go to Manage my TV package.
  2. Scroll to Add-ons and offers and select Remove next to the premium add-on or optional package you want to remove. (Select Review changes if displayed.)
  3. Select Remove to confirm.

Add premium options via text message
If you don’t have access to a computer or your account, you can add premium packages via SMS text message.
  1. Using the phone number connected to your DIRECTV account, send a text message to 223322.
  2. Enter any of these examples in the text message to get started:
    • HBO
    • Showtime
    • STARZ
    • Pro sports subscriptions – MLB, NHL, or NBA
  3. Follow the prompts to confirm your activation.

Heads up: If unable to remove an add-on online, please use the chat option at the bottom of the page for assistance.
Internet connection (No satellite)
Internet connection (No satellite)
Explore the premium add-on options available for your DIRECTV service.
Didn't get service via your home internet connection

Explore add-ons for DIRECTV

Find out how to add premium channels, additional streaming devices, and more.

View or change your add-ons

You can add:
  • Premium channels like HBO, Cinemax®, MGM+™, Paramount+ with SHOWTIME, and STARZ®.
  • Popular Networks like Peacock and Discovery+.
  • Additional DIRECTV devices.
  • New releases, family favorites, and more with Movies Extra Pack.
  • Latino channels included in Deportes, and Español.
  • International TV packages with Brazilian, Korean, and Vietnamese channels.

Here's how:
  1. Go to Manage my TV package.
    • Review available packages and choose Switch.
    • To add or remove premium networks or international options, select Add or Remove.
  2. Select Review Changes to review, then Submit.

Heads up: Add-on charges are prorated and due when you submit your order. We'll charge it to your payment method on file.

Choose the service you have at your home:

  • Satellite dish

  • Internet connection (No satellite)

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