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Community Forums (4 of 7 results)

  • Genie wireless client versus RVU
    I'm moving a TV that has a coax-wired Genie client into a room with no coax connection. There is network access in that room (both Ethernet and WiFi - same network that the Genie box is on). I also have two other coax-wired Genie clients in other rooms that need to continue working. I'm want to get opinions as to which option I should use to connect the TV in the new room and also if I've overlooked any options below. 1) Wireless Genie client 2) RVU-capable TV. I'm never played around with the RVU feature before and given some that I've read I'm not sure that it is a viable option going into the future. Thanks in advance. 

    Last reply: 2342 days ago | 1311 views | 10 responses |

    Posted by JasiuK

  • New GUI update in Texas
    The new font is unbelievably small on this new interface. I cannot read it from where I sit.  The fact we cannot adjust it is a grave mistake on their part.  AT&T in combination with Directtv need to address this situation right away, not weeks from now. The company is proving it is not receptive to people with vision disabilities. [Edited to comply with Guidelines] The lack of all of us to be able to use our television service as we were accustomed to and we are being charged quite a lot of money for this service it needs to be examined by an authority that can do something right away versus try to appease us with comments as we are looking into it. It took minutes to change, just change it back. I was told that DISH volume is up (when I called today) due to this, but I have been with Direct for many years. I will give it a week, but not sure my eyes can take it.

    Last reply: 2541 days ago | 83 views | 2 responses |

    Posted by smarti85

  • Direct tv versus cablevision
    please provide a simple but detailed technical description of how direct tv works compared to conventional cable tv. I understand that direct tv is now a STREAMING service NOT requiring a satallite or settop box. How does that work? can I use a TV ONLY to receive a signal? do I need to keep my internet service or replace it with ATT? if I can get rid of my cable equipment ib favor of DTV maybe I will do that. if I need to split my providers to make this work that may be impractical. my residence might not even allow it. I know sattallites are not allowed. complete details please. total $s are also to be considered.

    Last reply: 2579 days ago | 269 views | 5 responses |

    Posted by rtrgoo

  • Internet connection versus DTV
    I lost my home during hurricane Mathew last year and me new house is now ready for re-installation of my internet connection and my Direct TV equipment.  I have Direct TV installation scheduled 2 days before my AT&T internet installation.  Is this "sequence" going to affect the DTV set up or does it not matter knowing that in a few days it should work once internet is in place or should I schedule internet stuff first? Thanks for the advice.

    Last reply: 2687 days ago | 854 views | 4 responses |

    Posted by Westrashley

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