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  • HR24 b Band converter
    Do I need B band converters to use my HR 24 receiver with an 18" oval dish for SD programming? I'm taking my receiver from the house where it is connected to a Slimline 3 dish and using it with an 18" dish for my motor home. SD only is not a problem. Thanks for the advice. Ron

    Last reply: 1339 days ago | 74 views | 6 responses |

    Posted by ronmy

  • Directv Equipment Return - WHAT A MESS! UPDATE 2/10: Just billed $147.79!
    I just wanted to share my experiences with returning equipment.  Communication 1:     December 1, 2020:  Called to cancel Directv, spoke to Retention Department.  Was told only one of my 3 Receivers, the HR24-200, was to be returned and the other equipment, including dish, can be discarded.  Return instructions would be coming in email.  Communication 2:  Email December 2, 2020, says to return all 3 receivers to UPS Store:  HR24-200, HR34-700, C31-700. Communication 3:  Chat December 5, 2020, asking if I also need to return the power cables and SWIM adapters.  Chat person says I am supposed to return EVERYTHING, including cables, remotes, receivers, adapters, and even the dish!!  Communication 4:  Call December 5, 2020, sent to Customer Service, and I wanted to confirm the chat info saying I need to return everything.  This CSR says actually I don't have to return anything but the HR24-200, and that the email was old and inaccurate about all 3 receivers.  He said he was "100 percent sure" about it.  He also sent me the link to the AT&T webpage regarding returns, which I'd already read several times, and is not clear regarding Directv equipment and cables/adapters. Communication 5:   I called Retention Department again on Dec 5, 2020.  Told him about past info and frustrations.  He said take everything to UPS and let them deal with it.  But then he checked my account info and then he said NONE of my equipment, including the HR24-200, needs to be returned!!! AAARRRRGGGGHHH!   The guy agreed this was all crazy.  He put notations in my account about all of this conflicting information.  We both agreed it's best to cover my butt by taking it all to UPS.   This is one of the reasons why we have left all AT&T services:  wireless, internet, and now TV.  I can't take it anymore. AT&T needs to get things better organized!!!  Update:  I got a new email today reminding me to return only the HR24! Here is the first email from 12/2/20: Here is what I just received 12/13/20: THIS IS RIDICULOUS.  Why is it so difficult for AT&T to provide consistent information???? NEW UPDATE, Feb 10, 2021:  I just got billed for $147.79 for "non returned recordable equipment."  ARRRRGGHHHH!!   Now I have to wait until tomorrow because customer service is already closed.  I guess I shouldn't be shocked by this happening since no one seems to know what is going on!  UPDATE, Feb 11, 2021:  Just got through to ATT Loyalty/Retention Department.  At first, I was told I had to return one item, then I was told that was an error, it shows I have already returned the devices, so my account is now owing $0.  I then asked to speak to a Supervisor, and said how can my devices show they have been returned when I have them all in my garage?  Alex, Loyalty Supervisor, said that he made that mistake - he misread the notes.  I have to return the device with S/N 0813 last four digits.  He said he looked at the notes from December 5 discussion with Loyalty person #2, and nothing shows we discussed anything but question about cords.  That, of course, is NOT the loyalty discussion, but one of the Customer Service conversations.         

    Last reply: 1505 days ago | 273 views | 11 responses |

    Posted by moonatics

  • Turn in old equipment from previous home owner
    I need to remove an old DirectTV Slimline satellite dish installed by a previous home owner in my back yard.  Could not find any disposal instructions on DirectTV's website.  Does DirectTV want this equipment returned or do I attempt to recycle it prior to taking it to the landfill.

    Last reply: 1710 days ago | 224 views | 5 responses |

    Posted by ranley53

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