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Product and Services (4 of 22 results)

  • DIRECTV About Us I DIRECTV Insider

    Since our launch in 1994, DIRECTV has continually evolved our product, best-in-class content and service to provide customers an industry-leading video offering.

Support (4 of 24 results)

  • Sign up for DIRECTV

    Choose the DIRECTV package that suits you best. Learn how to sign up for an account and start watching today.

  • Sign up for DIRECTV STREAM

    Choose the DIRECTV STREAM option that suits you best. Learn how to get an account, select a package, and start watching.

Sports (4 of 24 results)

Community Forums (4 of 24 results)

  • How to keep new shows but let old ones be deleted?
    We're fairly new to DirecTV Stream.  We've had it for a few months now but this is the first time we're going want to handle some episodes of TV shows differently than the way we handle other episodes of the same shows. Apparently we can't keep more than 30 episodes of a TV show at a time.  We knew about the 9 months restriction when we signed up but no one told us that we could only keep 30 episodes of any particular show.  That's a problem for us so I'm trying to figure out how to do what we want to do. We want to keep all new "Law & Order" episodes for the full 9 months but we don't care if the old ones roll off.  L&O is streaming on at least 3 channels currently (BBC America, Sundance, & WE).  Each channel shows 3 or more episodes a week so we always have at least a dozen older reruns picked up by DirecTV Stream every week.  How can we save the new episodes that start this Thursday and not have them swept away by reruns? Is there a way to set up 2 sets of episodes for 1 show?  Then we could catch only new episodes in 1 set and then all of the reruns in the other set that could roll off as new reruns are rebroadcast?  Or, if we want to save the new episodes for the full 9 months, do we have to change it so that it only saves new episodes (& then we never get to rewatch old episodes, which we still enjoy)? Are there any other options? Thanks, GGuenth

    Last reply: 916 days ago | 188 views | 8 responses |

    Posted by gguenth

  • My Library
    "My Library" is not showing.  After signing up for Directv and adding the channel via my Roku device, noticed it does not show.  When open Directv have listings on left side starting with All then Recent etc but do not have My Library (It does show on my Android phone app however). I'm able to record shows but can't locate those recordings. Thanks

    Last reply: 921 days ago | 104 views | 3 responses |

    Posted by jdeecee

  • 1 Streaming Device, 2 TV's
    I have only one device, am I only able to watch the tv it's hooked up to, or can I watch the tv in my bedroom using that device, or do I have to order another device for the tv in the bedroom?

    Last reply: 922 days ago | 304 views | 6 responses |

    Posted by Beamerbaby

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