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  • HBO Sound Level is muddy
    The sound level for all HBO channels is much lower than all the others and somewhat muddier.  Turning it up doesn't really help.  Is there some noise reduction or other setting that is causing this.  Very annoying to watch HBO.

    Last reply: 1375 days ago | 143 views | 9 responses |

    Posted by dave375

  • Non HDMI stereo receiver hook up?
    Ok, Been searching the internet for info and stumbled upon this site and decided to ask a Pro!  Ready?  I have Direct tv (genie), Sony STR-DE425 (non HDMI) receiver and a Samsung LN46B640R3F tv along with a old Cambridge Sound Works non powered sub woofer 5.1 surround speaker system. Sound is just ok but we generally watch movies in non surround sound which seems to be more enjoyable. Our current wiring goes like this, Genie box out via hdmi to tv in, then TV audio out via right and left audio cords to Sony Receiver in,  We have moved and our new house will allow us to mount the tv over the fireplace which will require us to purchase 25' HDMI cables( already bought). Here is the question (s)  1. Can I connect the genie from the audio out via audio cables to the sony STR-DE 425 eliminating purchasing 25' audio cables(that won't fit inside the 1" pvc conduit supplied by the builder anyway) and have decent sound?  2. The second option is to purchase the Sony STR-DH 510 receiver which can be connect via HDMI all the way. I would be good with that if it gives me better quality sound but if it is equal to what I got(or could have if I can wire sound direct from the genie box to the STR-DE425), I would rather spend money on new/ better speakers? Clear as mud?  any opinions?Thanks in advance! Herb

    Last reply: 4076 days ago | 3309 views | 6 responses |

    Posted by herbjahn

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