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  • Intermittant loss of sound
    When using the various Roku devices and Directv Stream I will have episodes where the sound will disappear for 1-2 seconds, 2 or 3 times.  Unplugging the device for a minute solves the problem, but it will recur.  This is becoming very annoying.  I see notes from a year ago about this.

    Last reply: 912 days ago | 218 views | 6 responses |

    Posted by alb81044

  • How to keep new shows but let old ones be deleted?
    We're fairly new to DirecTV Stream.  We've had it for a few months now but this is the first time we're going want to handle some episodes of TV shows differently than the way we handle other episodes of the same shows. Apparently we can't keep more than 30 episodes of a TV show at a time.  We knew about the 9 months restriction when we signed up but no one told us that we could only keep 30 episodes of any particular show.  That's a problem for us so I'm trying to figure out how to do what we want to do. We want to keep all new "Law & Order" episodes for the full 9 months but we don't care if the old ones roll off.  L&O is streaming on at least 3 channels currently (BBC America, Sundance, & WE).  Each channel shows 3 or more episodes a week so we always have at least a dozen older reruns picked up by DirecTV Stream every week.  How can we save the new episodes that start this Thursday and not have them swept away by reruns? Is there a way to set up 2 sets of episodes for 1 show?  Then we could catch only new episodes in 1 set and then all of the reruns in the other set that could roll off as new reruns are rebroadcast?  Or, if we want to save the new episodes for the full 9 months, do we have to change it so that it only saves new episodes (& then we never get to rewatch old episodes, which we still enjoy)? Are there any other options? Thanks, GGuenth

    Last reply: 914 days ago | 188 views | 8 responses |

    Posted by gguenth

  • Streaming Device Limits
    Hello! Just looking for some clarification on the 3 outside of the home devices streaming limit. 1.) If I login to a network’s personal app using a device outside of my home (for example the Game Show Network’s app…not the DirectTV Stream app), does this count as one of my devices? And 2.) Does the device limit apply to how many devices you can stream at once or how many devices period? To be clear, can I login to say 5 devices outside my home network but only stream 3 or fewer at a time? We have multiple iPads in our family and trying to figure out how this would work.

    Last reply: 917 days ago | 5670 views | 6 responses |

    Posted by Mrothgeb

  • HR54 cannot detect swm
    Had a lightning strike hit the power pole outside and it took out some electronics. Had an HR 54 receiver that no longer turned on, no display, no power button on, no nothing. DIRECTV sent me a new HR 54 receiver and I swapped it out and I get the display but an error of cannot detect swm. I checked the cable I’ve got 20.3 V DC up at the LNB so I figure it’s probably not the cable. Figured lightning charge may have took out the LNB also so I swapped it out with a new LNB. Still same problem. I’m at a loss now… Same model receiver just new, new LNB and a good cable and I get this problem, makes no sense! There is nothing else to check… It’s a slimline dish and the old LNB was SL3-SWM. New LNB is Reverse Band 3 Satellite LNB (3D2RBLNB). There has never been a power inserter or any splitters cause there’s only one TV and one receiver. The only thing that I could think of now is that the new receiver they sent me is no good??? Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!

    Last reply: 1018 days ago | 1265 views | 3 responses |

    Posted by zippy747

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