Compare Value, Service, Sports & Entertainment Programming

See how DIRECTV FOR BUSINESSSM stacks up against the competition

DIRECTV FOR BUSINESS delivers lower priced packages than DISH Business1
DIRECTV FOR BUSINESS delivers lower priced packages than DISH Business1
Available on DIRECTV
Not Available DISH
Lower priced and more channels for bars & restaurants2
Lower priced and more channels for bars & restaurants2
Available on DIRECTV
Not Available DISH
DIRECTV FOR BUSINESS℠ caters to Nonprofits unlike DISH Business3
DIRECTV FOR BUSINESS℠ caters to Nonprofits unlike DISH Business3
Available on DIRECTV
Not Available DISH
DIRECTV FOR BUSINESS℠ offers access to exclusive sports programming such as ESPN+ for Business, Apple TV+ Friday Night Baseball, and MLS Season Pass unlike DISH Business4
DIRECTV FOR BUSINESS℠ offers access to exclusive sports programming such as ESPN+ for Business, Apple TV+ Friday Night Baseball, and MLS Season Pass unlike DISH Business4
Available on DIRECTV
Not Available DISH
DIRECTV FOR BUSINESS℠ offers bars and restaurants access to exclusive trivia and on-screen game programming unlike DISH Business5
DIRECTV FOR BUSINESS℠ offers bars and restaurants access to exclusive trivia and on-screen game programming unlike DISH Business5
Available on DIRECTV
Not Available DISH
Visibility to your restaurant/bar via the Sports Bar Finder6
Visibility to your restaurant/bar via the Sports Bar Finder6
Available on DIRECTV
Not Available DISH
DIRECTV FOR BUSINESS℠ offers businesses an exclusive business referral program unlike DISH Business7
DIRECTV FOR BUSINESS℠ offers businesses an exclusive business referral program unlike DISH Business7
Available on DIRECTV
Not Available DISH
DIRECTV FOR BUSINESS℠ offers customers an automated support chat feature unlike DISH Business8
DIRECTV FOR BUSINESS℠ offers customers an automated support chat feature unlike DISH Business8
Available on DIRECTV
Not Available DISH

Based on comparison of business programming packages excluding any add-ons. Availability of channels varies based on programming package subscription and region.

1When comparing DISH Business Flex Pack (Bars and Restaurants) to DIRECTV’s Business Select (Restaurants & Bars) Entertainment Pack, June 2024

2Comparing DISH Business Flex Pack for restaurants & bars to the DIRECTV FOR BUSINESS Business Select for Restaurants & Bars August 2024.

3When comparing DIRECTV FOR BUSINESS non-profit savings offers to DISH’s offerings.

4Comparing exclusive sports programming such as NFL SUNDAY TICKET, ESPN+ for Business, Apple TV+ Friday night baseball, and MLS season pass August 2024.

5Comparing to DISH which does not offer trivia for restaurants and bars August 2024.

6Comparing to all DISH Business apps August 2024. There is no DISH app available to consumers that use GPS to map sports bars and other establishments that subscribe to DISH programming to help users find a place to watch games across the US.

7Comparing exclusive business referral program August 2024.

8Comparing customers and automated support chat feature August 2024.

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